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Awesome Filmmaker Program In Amsterdam

You should fly in this June to Amsterdam.  I am going to.  Check it out here.

The Binger FilmLabs’ “Filmmaking In The Digital Age” kicks off June 10th with yours truly, but it keeps on getting better from there.

Look at this program!

Truly Free Film

IndieStreet Post #12: Making a Film? – Why?

By Jay Webb 

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Previously: The Rebirth of the Indie Video Store Experience — Why Human Curation Will Never Die

Being honest about your motives is the first step toward a successful film, and it’s a healthy habit for anyone entering a new life-consuming project; starting a new company, getting married, or in this case, shooting a film.

Screen shot 2014-03-25 at 12.01.31 PMDo you want your film to change the world?  Do you want to make money so you can make your next film?  Do you have something to prove to yourself?  An honest answer in the early stages can do wonders for a filmmaker in finding a workable distribution path, uncovering a forthright story, and figuring out an appropriate amount of money and energy to expend on the project.  (Please note: An answer like “I am creative and want to express myself” misses the scope. This is a reflective question for professionals or budding professionals who live in the reality of scarce resources and time who will express themselves creatively regardless of their path).

Human beings are motivated by different factors, but when I was only 19 years young, a drunk man who I was serving steak to explained to me that motivation could be broken down into the ‘4 Fs’.