Truly Free Film

Why and How to get a Distribution Deal

By Jon Raymond

JR33You’re an indie filmmaker. You can get by with relatively inexpensive equipment, cast and crew and make movies. I made a short a few years ago for $3K, just for camera, sound, and editing software. Then I used the same stuff to do another one for the cost of feeding the cast and crew, about $500. A few years later I made a feature doc for $3K with some new HD stuff. But you don’t need a cast or crew for docs. All you need is a camera, editing software, and great events to attend. However, if you do want a cast and crew, and you don’t happen to know film school buddies willing to work for free, you really have to pay them, and you may need locations, props, and so on. So we see budgets more likely starting at $50K to $500K for first time feature director narratives.

Truly Free Film

How Festival Failure Could Save Your Career

By Kellie Ann Benz

It’s what fills our daydreams.

The Duplass Brothers, Lynn Shelton, JC Chandor, Katherine Bigelow and Benh Zeitlin, Steven Soderbergh, before he started threatening to retire on an annual basis. Robert Rodriguez, before he started making kids movies.

These are the names that rotate through our filmie craniums.

But the main reason that all of us fill our daydreams of indie film mega-success is because of one man: Quentin Tarantino.