Truly Free Film

Indie Street Post #6: Not Louder Mouths, Just More Ears

By Jay Webb

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Previously: Indiestreet Post #5: Indieconomies of Scale: Distribution

Indieconomies of Scale, Part 4 (of 4): Marketing 

The DIY marketing of an Independent film has always been an overwhelming, and somewhat foreign prospect for an artist.  For me it’s one of those things that seems to be more of a “Where do I even start?” type of problem, especially in today’s fast paced environment.  There are new free to use marketing/networking platforms that pop up everyday, but how do we know what will work?  And even more importantly, what will work for our film specifically?  While the internet, social networking, data mining, and targeted ad networks do make it possible for Indie filmmakers to market their own films more effectively, they surely do not make the marketing process any less complicated.

So let’s try to simplify the idea of transitioning from filmmaker to film-marketer, and then we will talk about why a group mentality can make all the difference in this transition.

1.  Marketing = a cousin of storytelling

Sure storytelling is your born talent and passion; not commercial exploitation.  Well the best marketers are the ones that can tell the story of their company in a brief, memorable and entertaining way.  So before you run and hide during the marketing phase of your film, just realize that a filmmaker and a marketing professional are actually some type of bizarro storytelling cousins.