The blog for aspiring & established filmmakers of independent films. by ted hope.
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Building Storyworlds Podcast (Episode 1, Featuring… Me!)

The always stimulating Lance Weiler has launched a new podcast, and this morning I was his first guest.  Check it out here.  We had a lot to talk about.

Topics of discussion 

  • The future of film – Ted shares the thoughts behind a recent post to his blog  Hope for Film.
  • Finding new froms of value
  • The role of scarcity and abundance in storytelling
  • The internet of things – the emergence of a storytelling layer over the real world
  • Generalist vs. Specialist

Lance has named this new venture “the art, craft & biz of storytelling in 21c”, and he shares:

Welcome to an experiment in participatory storytelling. As I gear up for a course I’ll be teaching at Columbia University, I’ve decided to open my teaching process. I’ve established this tumblr and will soon be joined by the class for what I hope will become an ongoing collection of thoughts, projects, tech and ideas as they pertain to storytelling in the 21st Century. 

I’m hard at work on a trilogy of participatory storytelling projects with the first one entitled, Robot Heart Stories launching this fall. I wish to explore the realities of the connected world we live in and what that means for storytelling. I’m especially interested in the changing role of authorship and its impact on the birth of a collective narrative. In this spirit I’m bringing the class in to this tumblr to share all things story. 

Finally this tumblr will also tie into a book I’ve been working on entitledBuilding Storyworlds: the art, craft & biz of storytelling in 21C. The book is the basis of the course at Columbia and is an experiment in scarcity vs. digital abundance

Every Aspiring Filmmakers new best friend.

Meet Ted

Hope offers his unique perspective on how to make movies while keeping your integrity intact and how to create a sustainable business enterprise out of that art while staying true to yourself.

Meet Ted

Ted Hope is a “holistic film producer”: he aims to be there from the beginning and then forever after, involved in every aspect of a film’s life cycle and ecosystem, as committed to engineering serendipity as preventing problems, as obsessed with lifting the good into the great, as he is…

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Classes starting soon

Now you can learn hands on with Ted at the new entertainment program at ASU Thunderbird.

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