Truly Free Film

BondIt: Product Launch: Influx of Project Submissions, Needs, Variation of sizes and Interpretation on Usage

By Matthew Helderman, & Luke Taylor


Determining specifics on the success of a product’s launch is always speculative. We’ve seen the same story countless times — a studio primes their latest release to be a massive box office success, only to watch the film crash and burn into box office bomb oblivion. Cloud Atlas, Mars Needs Moms, John Carter, Battleship, The Lone Ranger— we’re all familiar with these recent examples of big-budget bombs that were projected for success and proved to be poor investments.

The reasoning and research behind the cause of these failures and successes is endless — timing, marketing, money, foreign sales, lead actor status, direction, writing, length, acting — any of the above can be blamed for poor results. The reality is, it is simply impossible to determine the exact needs of an audience or consumer before any product is launched. Market research, development, and beta testing can certainly provide some statistics to lean on — but there is unfortunately no exact science until you are out there in the marketplace.

Issues and Actions

EFA Board Calls for Release of Ukrainian Director Oleg Sentsov

press release
EFA Board Calls for Release of Ukrainian Director Oleg Sentsov

The Board of the European Film Academy calls for the immediate release of Ukrainian director Oleg Sentsov.

Sentsov, who has been involved in supporting the Euro Maidan protests in Kiev and has opposed the annexation of Crimea by Russia, was arrested at his home in Simferopol, Crimea, and accused of organizing a terrorist attack. It is believed that the director has been flown to Moscow where he is facing trial.