These Are Those Things

Some Of The Reasons I Love The Internet

I can wake up, drink my coffee, and have great videos curated for me — videos that change how I feel about the world.

Marc Schiller hipped me to this fan created video for Grizzly Bear’s “Two Weeks” awhile back and I have been meaning to post it. How great is it that Gabe Askew made this for all of us?!!:

Two Weeks – Grizzly Bear from Gabe Askew on Vimeo.

And before that I finally caught up on Girl Talk’s “Feed The Animals” . Culture changes so fast, thankfully. I love that this is 100% samples and the juxtaposition of stuff is a hoot. I had no idea which video to post but I picked this one in honor of Babe Ruth.

Another reason is you can find curators of interesting stuff and ideas. The forementioned Marc Schiller being one of them. Check this out (if you didn’t already when I twittered and blogged about it):

Bowl Of Noses

Webcam Music Video

Again we have no idea what they are singing, but they sure made a fun video.  The people in it are all over the place and just using their webcams.  Beautiful!  Who says you need anything other than some smarts to make great stuff!

Thanks Noah!

Bowl Of Noses

Make Your Own Music Video… sort of

Here’s some nifty animation that you control by moving your cursor.  I am not sure what the song is about as the bowl only knows English.  But we do know that this is beautiful and fun! Check it out.