Truly Free Film

Filmmaker Sent To Google Jail For Building THE NEW MODEL

Today’s guest post is from Diary Of  A Bad Lad producer, Jon Williams.  This news was pretty shocking to me.  It is sure to evolve as the year goes on, but Dylan Martin’s ordeal should concern anyone that is striving to produce a Truly Free Film model.  BE SURE TO CLICK IN TO DYLAN’s ARTICLE.  What Jon describes as Dylan’s Kafka-esque nightmare with Google is nothing short of a grand tragedy of a hero learning how it can all work and being profoundly penalized for the knowledge.  This is sure to get a lot of people buzzing.

I want to draw your attention to a recent article, “Adsense, no sense at all –
what it’s like being sacked by a computer…” by Dylan Martin (
I think it’s particularly relevant when it comes to ‘new distribution models’ (NDMs).

Over the past couple of years or so there’s been a whole slew of books published, and seminars organised, promoting internet-based film marketing and distribution models. Often the author is someone who makes a living as an internet marketing consultant, or someone who made a DIY-distributed documentary with a clear niche-market target who’s found that writing internet marketing manuals and doing speaking engagements is a much better and more reliable way of making a living. But little of this is of any use to indie feature filmmakers.

Often the disconnection results in bafflement. How can you, as the advice goes, build an audience for a film which you haven’t even got into development? If it’s a feature you can’t, unless you happen to be an established auteur, that is.