Truly Free Film

SEO for Film Part 1: SEO!? What is Search Engine Optimization & why should filmmakers care?

By Annelise Larson

If you are online and want yourself, your brand or your work to be found, then you need to worry about SEO. Search engine optimization or SEO is a jargony, awkward term, but it is really just about making your online content and presence findable.

Search, Search, Everywhere Search

While there is much that has changed about the Internet over the years, one of the things that has remained consistent is that people search. It is how we deal with the information overload and find our way through the overwhelming amount of content online. The latest studies show that search remains the second most popular online activity. The 2012 PEW Internet Project Survey showed that “91% of online adults use search engines to find information on the web, including 59% of those who do so on any given day.” And the great thing about search is that is crosses all demographics. Everyone searches.

Hope4Film Part 1

It is also important to note that Google is not the only search engine in town; any site with a search box is a search engine, from Facebook to YouTube to blogs like this. Search really is everywhere and offers content creators like filmmakers an amazing opportunity.