These Are Those Things

Punk Rock’s Cranky Old Man Speaks The Truth

I saw Black Flag live for the first time around 1984 and they blew my mind, full throttle.  To see Henry Rollins powered by the band’s onslaught was to see rage and force and commitment unleashed.  It was scary fun and is forever seared onto my DNA. I owe a debt to that band (among others).  That must be why I find it so much fun to see him now tell it like it is, in his “cranky old man” guise — but he really gets it right, and you don’t have to be a “young person” to need to be reminded of this advise.  It is not fair, but so what?  Be stronger and don’t let their good fortune or bad ways get in the way of what you know must be done.

But oh man was he anything  but that back when:

 And check out this show too when it really was just people in a garage letting loose.

Bowl Of Noses

Total Awesomeness: HexaFlexagons

Math is fun.  It may look like magic but it is not.

Thanks to Dan McGuire and iO9 for the tips.