These Are Those Things Truly Free Film

Love What You Do (Waves Of Gratitude)

Mickey Smith’s “Dark Side Of The Lens” captures a passion for a life worth living, or scraping as the case may be. A cool wave of water washing over the pleasure of using your labor towards creative ends. As we chisel and nail let’s not forget that the real reward is the doing.

DARK SIDE OF THE LENS from Astray Films on Vimeo.

These Are Those Things

Without Them, Cinema Would Still Be A Boring Place

Roger Corman and John Waters may well be the two people most responsible for cinema a gloriously odd and twisted place. It becomes more challenging than ever to create work that is outside of my mind — we all regurgitate the work that comes before us, but these two have developed far more than their share of wonderfully WTF moments. I wish I could have been there to hear them speak with each other about LSD, Jack Nicholson, Fellini,and all things movie. But hey, YouTube delivers us there without the hassle of travel.