These Are Those Things

Films Are Magic

How great is it to be lost into a short, transported, and then to recognize — know again — what you have known for so long: that movies are magic.

Out Of A Forest from Tobias Gundorff Boesen on Vimeo.

Okay I really like The National, and I really like stop motion, and beautiful lighting — and yes there is a part of me that is a sucker for both nostalgia, innocence lost, and cute furry animals, so…

(via Flavorpill)

These Are Those Things

One Of My Fave Cinema Moments Of 2011

It was at the only projected WorkInProgress screening we had for Martha Marcy May Marlene. The film was submitted to Sundance on a 6 week cut and Sean Durkin had to lock at 8 weeks to get in done in time for the festival. There was no money but Technicolor helped us out with a weekday screening. The only people generally who could come were screenwriters as virtually everyone else we knew were working.

Screenwriters can be a bit focused on structure, some on discipline. The point was raised that this song was not like any other moment in the film. People started to suggest it be cut. My wife –one of the few women in the room — stood up and said it was the crucial moment when Marcy May feels loved. She was right. It needed to be there. Sean knew it too.

Even if it had been cut, I think it would have made my list of favorite MUSIC moments of 2011