Truly Free Film

There Is SOME Online Rental Business

Okay, okay.  I stand corrected, but it was a good headline, wasn’t it?  And I am not sure if $385Million per year in the US of online renting and downloading is cause to rejoice.

Besides, if you noticed, my post was really a jumping off point to try to address how we want to watch, or at least like to watch.  We do have to offer our work for single transactions, but we have to recognize that is not how most people are choosing to watch.  And yes, as many noted, we should not judge the lack of traction on YouTube for online rentals as representative of much.  As Scilla Andreen pointed out, you need to honor your work with appropriate placement.  YouTube has done so well building a community of generators and viewers accustomed to watching for free, it may be antithetical to the experience to pay anything ever there.

Bowl Of Noses

Animated Spaceships! (and Erykah Badu!)

Erykah Badu – Gone Baby, Don’t be Long from beeple on Vimeo.

There can never be enough spaceships in the bowl.
yes, another Vulture tip!

Truly Free Film

Everything Is A Remix


Everything is a Remix Part 2 from Kirby Ferguson on Vimeo.

Video Essays are one of the most

Truly Free Film

Useful New Discovery Tool: BlipSnips

Discovery is deeply connected to relevance.  In our time-challenged culture, getting quickly to the meat of the message is crucial for attention gathering (granted, deep context is required fo true understanding, but that’s an issue for later).  You don’t want to just send your friend an article, but you want to tell them why you find it interesting.  The same holds true for videos, but it has been difficult to tell them what point of the video demands their attention.  Problem solved!  BlipSnips to the rescue!

TechCrunch reported late last month on the new video tagging tool BlipSnips:

BlipSnips allows users to mark “moments” within videos that mark specific events. Users can also caption these moments with comments and descriptions.

Another unique capability within BlipSnips is the ability to