Bowl Of Noses

Vacation time? Put Your Imagination To Use!

In order to celebrate a week of no school, we are honored to host Mrs. P in our Bowl.  Okay stop with the guffaws already.  Mrs. P’s got a website of her own.  Check it out here.  But she’s volunteered to come on over and look after ours all week.  Ain’t that something?  Lucky birds that we are, we are going to hand our nest over to her.

One of the goals of my own storytelling site is to encourage kids to use their imaginations. I love seeing young people write and act in their own work. This one has the added twist in that they figured out how to use a free technology like YouTube to make an interactive game and distribute it tagging onto the success of the Thanksgiving opening of the new Harry Potter movie. Instead of waiting around for an agent to call, these young actors are putting themselves out there in a fun and interesting way.   “Harry Potter Interactive Mystery Game” –, honored with the American Library Associations Great Site for Kids distinction, creates and publishes free video stories read and performed by acclaimed T.V. actress Kathy Kinney. The site has no advertising and offers interactive games, coloring sheets, and activity guides along with “show me the words” options on every story to help early readers, and ESL students.