Truly Free Film

Reuters Reports: Cinema Is Changing

Just spreading the word…

And just to be clear, the Daniel Johnston iPhone game has nothing to do with the movie other than being on the same subject. It’s just a good illustration of the things that can slowly lead audiences to find new work, or to rejoice in it long after the lights have gone on.
Truly Free Film

What is VODO?

Jamie King’s VODO has launched. You should definitely check it out and participate.

VODO is trying to help solve three problems:

(1) How do we get works (texts, films, music) distributed efficiently and widely using current Peer to Peer technologies?

(2) How do we market these works that can rival mainstream media?

(3) How can we help creators distributing through P2P systems with developing a sustainable, or even profitable, practice?

Read more here.

I hope a lot of filmmakers give this a try.

Bowl Of Noses

Astro Boy

The latest version jumps into our communal bowl on Oct 23rd. We’ve been fans here from the early days.

We are excited to see this one (even if we liked the old character design better!) and pleased that the film’s website has two games for us to play: the Astroboy rescue game and the Astroboy Blast-A-Bot game.

When you’re finish with them, click on the Timeline link to see a full timeline from 1928 to the present of how Astroboy manga / comic came about.