Truly Free Film

What Got This Blog Started (For Me)

The conditions were there.  People were already talking.  Everyone over at The Workbook Project and FH2A were already leading the charge.  More voices were needed though.  And I was asked to give this talk, see…

Now you can truly see how much I need my hands to be able to speak.  This is just part one of six.  And  yes, it is my way to stay nasally through all six.  The rest are all there on Vimeo — so I just learned.  Check them all out, or not.

What of course will keep this blog going in the new year will be your participation.  We have so much ground to cover.  What is working well?  What isn’t? What are the goals and what are the steps to take us there?  We can’t wait for someone to lead us.  We must collaborate.  
Independent film culture — its content and its infrastructure — is at stake.  
I tell my son that it is a great time to be young because there is so much exciting stuff that MUST get done to save the planet.  Okay, so I give him a bit bigger agenda.  All I want from  you is to save indie film.  Happy New Year!
Bowl Of Noses

Free Rice: Win & Feed The World

Free Rice is one of those sites where you click on it and you do something good. Although with Free Rice you do more than just click. You play a game and the more answers you get right, the more people you have fed. The questions are hard; they are geared to adults — or rather smart kids (maybe third grade and up).  You leave with knowledge and the United Nations has supplied more hungry people with more food. Everybody wins!

You know you made one of your New Year’s resolutions to do more good for the world, right? Well, here’s a way if you don’t actually want to get up to do it!

Happy New Year! (p.s. this is a recycle from another one of our blogs — TheNextGoodIdea — so we are doing our part in conservation!).

The Next Good Idea

Free Rice: Win & Feed The World

Free Rice is one of those sites where you click on it and you do something good.  Although with Free Rice you do more than just click.  You play a game and the more answers you get right, the more people you have fed.  You leave with knowledge and the UN has supplied more hungry people with more food.  Everybody wins!

You know you made one of your New Year’s resolutions to do more good for the world, right? Well, here’s a way if you don’t actually want to get up to do it!
Happy New Year!
Truly Free Film

What Do You Want Our Film Culture To Be?

Is this the time of the year that we are supposed to reflect?  Or is it that the point when we get to dream?  Is any point in time truly different in this regard  — or has the calendars and clocks once again fooled us into thinking we are supposed to do something different based on what has passed?

Well, since we can only really move forward in this game, I am going to choose Door #2.  What are we reaching for? We can build anything, right?  So: what do we want our film culture to be.
It probably makes sense to know what we want to build or at least build towards before we start building.  We are moving on from a limited-supply, gatekeeper-controlled, impulse-decided entertainment economy into something new.  The more we ask ourselves what we want this new paradigm to be, the better off we will be once we have created it.  I wonder how much closer we can get this year.  How would you define this new paradigm?  Hmmm….   
How about:
1. Diverse stories.
2. Diverse methods — be they structures, techniques, tools,or platforms — of telling stories.
3. Accessible when I want it.
4. Accessible where I want it.
5. Audiences able to “try on” different films for low cost.  Very low costs.
6. Narrative worlds that are accessible across many different platforms, being told in different ways on these different platforms, with unique content for each of them.  
7. Filmmakers accepting responsibility for accessing audiences.
8. Filmmakers devoted to maintaining relationships with their audiences.
9. FIlmmakers united in sharing their audiences with other filmmakers.
10. Filmlovers dedicated to curating for their social circle.
11. No rigidity in terms of “windows” for different platform releases.
12. Audiences initiating some projects, be it through content or financing.
13. Exhibitors working together to strengthen audiences’ bond with indie/free/art film.
14. A return of critical community that helps us recognize what is artful and ambitious in a particular work, how it fits into our times, and how things might have been different.
15. A creative community knowledgeable of the vast communication tools available on the web.
16. Filmmakers knowledgeable on how to lead a long and sustainable life creating challenging work.
17. A business infrastructure that is focused more on quality and long-term sustainablity than quantity or immediate financial gain.
18. A festival apparatus that is based on a short and intense flurries of making work available to an unprepared audience but instead on year-round aggregation and enhancement of that audience.
19. Open source practices and general transparency in actions and practices is essential to a truly free film culture.
What have I forgot?  What should we add to the list? And why did the answers get longer as the list itself got longer?
Oh, and Happy New Year!  Thanks for reading and energizing this quest for change and growth this past year.  How can we make an even bigger push this coming year?