Truly Free Film

The Mainstream Is Waking Up

The LA Times and NY Times have each run their requisite articles on DIY Distribution.  Now Screen International is speaking up on the need to bring the films to the audiences (vs. bringing audiences to the films).

The trick now is to mobilise audiences, market and increasingly distribute to the places they want to watch the film. And, of course, set the budget accordingly.

But it’s also vital to ignore the orthodox – surely the mission of independent film. It is, for example, snobbish and self-defeating to suggest that no one outside an educated elite wants film that challenges. If that’s true, then why make films? Music and books don’t seem to share that view. And the big film franchises from Batman to Bond have done their very best to apply as much shade as possible.

The indie film-maker needs to take on the fight. This is the time for a little less “we’re doomed” and a little more “yes we can”.

I am really curious if we will see this “yes we can” spirit invade Sundance this year, or will filmmakers keep believing in angels and demons.

Bowl Of Noses

Lightning Strikes

It may be powerful stuff, and a tad scary, but you have to admit it’s pretty cool.  Still, we are pretty happy to only observe it on YouTube…  There are lots of videos up, but very few that really do this aspect of nature justice.

Still, even seeing this video, I know I never have to see real lightning up close, thank you very much.  


Where are all the great ones?  They must exist somewhere. Although this one is pretty beautiful…

These Are Those Things

Movies In Another Universe

Okay, sure they will be the same films, but looking at these posters for Hollywood films of 20 & 30 years ago, all redone by Polish artists for then Soviet-controlled Poland, makes me want to see all of them! They look so much better this way. 

How great would it be if our posters could look this good! Wellmedicated has put together a great list of 50 Incredible Film Posters From Poland.

Can you name the film by the poster?  The Hollywood Studios would say it’s a problem if you can’t, but to me that’s the joy.

Truly Free Film

Someone’s Already Explained It All For You

I meet with filmmakers and film executives on a daily basis.  And I am consistently reminded what an absolute bunch of luddites we all are.  Seriously.  We will be unable to move forward towards a Truly Free Film culture until people commit to using the tools available to us to have a better life.

I am heartened by the election which, among other things, demonstrated that the pain of the present was greater than our fear of the future.  Now hopefully our community will follow suit and admit the same.  Towards that end I think we need to organize free seminars that explain the basic tools and how to use them.  I have been preparing an outline for such a seminar which I will soon share with you for input.  The problem is of course how to bring these seminars directly to the people who need them.
Beth Kanter at Beth’s Blog did a lot of the work for you already.  This is a great link (with videos and other links) that lays out the basics: blogs, Technocrati, RSS feeds, tags, Flickr, video sharing, Wiki, widgets, Creative Commons & copyright, mashup, social networking, Twitter, and Second Life.  Whew!  Things change fast and some of this is already dated, but then again this post was already out of date by the time I posted it.