Truly Free Film

Word Of Mouth Radio

I was just interviewed by Virginia Prescoot of for New Hampshire Public Radio.  Check out their website and download the podcast, unless you happen to be out campaigning in that state today, in which case tune in.

Bowl Of Noses

Biden Is His Homeboy!

Since we rarely get real news or analysis on TV anyway, if you could elect The Bowl for President, we’d mandate that only fifth graders could be the TV reporters.  It doesn’t get much better than this:

Hope The Younger however pointed out how important it is to know how it all works.  He finds it interesting that a candidate can win the popular vote but still not be President, but mostly he likes how this site (click to link) shows the current election going.  You can also use it to see how the elections went each year, state by state.
H2theY also sniffed out this site (LivingRoomCandidate) for The Bowl to let all of you see how commercials have been for the candidates each of the past elections.  We find it fascinating!
Truly Free Film

Film Festival Plan A: Getting The Word Out

Word of mouth is the key thing in generating want-to-see and future revenues for your film.  You want to shape that conversation as much as you can.  
It once was that film critics truly helped shape these discussions, but most have them now have been fired and lost their platforms.  Even before that, many had shifted to a simplistic way of reviewing, reducing things to a yay or nay and a synopsis.  But whom is doing this now?  There certainly is a galaxy of film bloggers out there.  And they are a lot easier to reach than their prior generation of film critics.  
If you got your film into a major film festival, I am sure the blogosphere will want to hear from you.  But why not go that extra step and get them a DVD in advance.  It’s hard to see more than 25 films at Sundance and since there is five times that amount there, why not make sure that they see yours in advance?