Bowl Of Noses

Zombie Animals And The Parasites That Control Them!

Continuing with last weeks animal dance party in the Bowl, DISCOVER magazine has a great spread on insects that practice mind control on other creatures, including a green jewel wasp that can does brain surgery on cockroaches turning them into their slaves.  For real!  Check it out here.  

These Are Those Things

The Beauty Of The World (and Technology)

We were just in Siem Reap in Cambodia breathing in all the truly amazing temples.  It is truly one of the great sites.   I feel so fortunate that we got to take this trip.  I fear such travel will soon be a thing of the past (so to speak…).

Sitting in my hotel room this morning, reading the paper online, browsing the web, I came across the World Heritage Tour website.  It shows off the glory of technology pretty darn well too.  I have it set for Angkor but you can use it to visit many incredible places, including where we just were, and look 360 degrees, zoom in and out and all that jazz.   
Our trip was covered by a speaking engagement, but with the current price of travel and all the chaos peak oil will bring, this website is pretty swell toy to travel from your chair.