The Next Good Idea

Subway Improvement Idea #3

Back in June, I posted an idea (or rather two) on how to improve the NYC Subways.  I still haven’t found the MTA suggestion box, but I do have a NYC Subway Improvement Idea for July.  This time it’s just a borrowed idea from my travels.  

Why can’t we have LED signs that let expectant passengers know when the next train is expected to arrive?  Was it London that I saw them in?  Vienna?  Or just all of Europe?  And where can I find a photo of this sign so the blog can look all nice & pretty?
These Are Those Things

Human Superheroes: Stephen Wiltshire

Think you are good at something?  Try this one on for size.  Stephen Wiltshire is an artist with an incredible memory.  He also has autism, but that may be beside the point.  Give him 45 minutes to look and he will recreate your city with incredible accuracy in just a few days.  (thanks Listverse!)

Bowl Of Noses

Summer Is For Bubbles

Here’s a simple hack. Lost your bubble wand? Run into the deli and pick up two straws and twist them together as shown here, and presto! Giant bubbles to Mars! Indestructables is a fun website with plenty of neat projects for kids, and for grown-ups too.